南京医科大学基础医学院细胞生物学系教授,博士生导师。毕业于中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院基础医学研究所生化与分子生物学系,理学博士,师从王琳芳院士和孙少聪教授。研究领域聚焦在肿瘤与免疫的基础研究和转化研究,综合运用细胞培养、基因操纵、蛋白质相互作用等体外实验手段,以及基因敲除小鼠模型、疾病动物模型的构建和临床标本的分析,结合多种蛋白质组学、转录组学和单细胞分析技术,深入研究关键信号分子的功能及其调控机制。研究成果以唯一第一作者及通讯作者论文发表在Cell Research (2019)、Blood(2021)、Journal of Experimental Medicine(2023)、Nature Communications(2024)杂志上。目前担任 Nucleic Acids Research, Molecular Therapy等多个高水平学术期刊特邀评审人。
2012-2016 北京协和医学院 博士
2016-2021 美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 博士后
2021-2022 美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心 研究科学家
2022-2023 美国贝勒医学院 副研究员
2023-至今 南京医科大学 教授
近5年代表性论文( *通讯作者)
1. Yanchuan Li, Xiaoping Xie, Zuliang Jie, Lele Zhu, Jin-Young Yang, Chun-Jung Ko, Tianxiao Gao, Antrix Jain, Sung Yun Jung, Natalia Baran, Marina Y Konopleva, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*.DYRK1a mediates BAFF-induced noncanonical NF-κB activation to promote autoimmunity and B cell leukemogenesis. Blood, (2021) 138 (23): 2360–2371.
2. Yanchuan Li, Jin-Young Yang, Xiaoping Xie, Zuliang Jie, Lingyun Zhang, Jianhong Shi, Daniel Lin, Meidi Gu, Xiaofei Zhou, Haiyan S Li, Stephanie S Watowich, Antrix Jain, Sung Yun Jung, Jun Qin, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*. Preventing Abnormal NF-κB Activation and Autoimmunity by Otub1-Mediated p100 Stabilization. Cell research29, no. 6 (2019): 474.
3. Yanchuan Li*, Lele Zhu, Chun-Jung Ko, Jin-Young Yang, Ganiraju Manyam, Jing Wang, Xuhong Cheng, Shuli Zhao*, Zuliang Jie*. TRAF3-EWSR1 signaling axis acts as a checkpoint on germinal center responses. Journal of experimental medicine,(2023) 220 (8): e20221483
4. Yanchuan Li, Huamei Li, Cheng Peng, Ge Meng, Yijun Lu, Honglin Liu, Li Cui, Huan Zhou, Zhu Xu, Lingyun Sun, Lihong Liu*, Qing Xiong*, Beicheng Sun*, Shiping Jiao*. Unraveling the spatial organization and development of human thymocytes through integration of spatial transcriptomics and single-cell multi-omics profiling. Nature communications, (2024) 15(1): 7784.
5. Lele Zhu, Yanchuan Li, Xiaoping Xie, Xiaofei Zhou, Meidi Gu, Zuliang Jie, Chun-Jung Ko, Tianxiao Gao, Blanca E Hernandez, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*. TBKBP1 and TBK1 form a growth factor signalling axis mediating immunosuppression and tumourigenesis. Nature cell biology, (2019), 21(12): 1604-1614.
6. Lingyun Zhang, Chun-Jung Ko, Yanchuan Li, Zuliang Jie, Lele Zhu, Xiaofei Zhou, Xiaoping Xie, Tianxiao Gao, Ting Liu, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*. Peli1 facilitates NLRP3 inflammasome activation by mediating ASC ubiquitination. Cell reports 37, no. 4 (2021): 109904.
7. Jin-Young Yang, Zuliang Jie, Amber Mathews, Xiaofei Zhou, Yanchuan Li, Meidi Gu, Xiaoping Xie, Chun-Jung Ko, Xuhong Cheng, Yuan Qi, Jeannelyn S Estrella, Jing Wang, Shao-Cong Sun*. Intestinal epithelial TBK1 prevents differentiation of T-helper 17 cells and tumorigenesis in mice. Gastroenterology 159, no. 5 (2020): 1793-1806.
8. Zuliang Jie, Chun-Jung Ko, Hui Wang, Xiaoping Xie, Yanchuan Li, Meidi Gu, Lele Zhu, Jin-Young Yang, Tianxiao Gao, Wenjuan Ru, Shao-Jun Tang, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*. Microglia promote autoimmune inflammation via the noncanonical NF-κB pathway. Science advances 7, no. 36 (2021): eabh0609.
9. Zhu, Lele*, Xiaofei Zhou, Meidi Gu, Jiseong Kim, Yanchuan Li, Chun-Jung Ko, Xiaoping Xie, Tianxiao Gao, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*.Dapl1 controls NFATc2 activation to regulate CD8+ T cell exhaustion and responses in chronic infection and cancer. Nature cell biology 24, no. 7 (2022): 1165-1176.
10. Zuliang Jie, Jin-Young Yang, Meidi Gu, Hui Wang, Xiaoping Xie, Yanchuan Li, Ting Liu, Lele Zhu, Jianhong Shi, Lingyun Zhang, Xiaofei Zhou, Donghyun Joo, Hans D Brightbill, Yingzi Cong, Daniel Lin, Xuhong Cheng, Shao-Cong Sun*. NIK signaling axis regulates dendritic cell function in intestinal immunity and homeostasis. Nature immunology 19, no. 11 (2018): 1224-1235.
1. 实验室专注于淋巴细胞受体信号传导的基础研究,并现向有志于攻读硕士、博士以及担任研究助理的同学们敞开大门。如果您对这个领域感兴趣,欢迎随时与我们联系,了解更多信息并报考。
2. 热忱欢迎全职博士后加入我们的研究团队。我们希望您已经或即将获得博士学位,并熟练掌握细胞生物学、分子生物学、免疫学等实验技术。具备免疫学和生物信息学背景者优先考虑。此外,我们希望您在博士期间曾经发表过学术论文,并具备一定的论文撰写、项目申请能力。我们的实验室将为您提供优秀的研究环境和导师的指导,支持您申请科研项目并开展深入的研究工作。如果您满足以上条件并且渴望成为一名优秀的科研人员,我们非常期待您的加入。